Pastoralist Centre for Socio-Economic Transformation (PACSET): is a nonprofit making organization founded in the year 2020 to promote and finding solutions to challenges that pastoralists are facing here in Kenya. We have been working with the community to come up with tools that effectively address, in a more holistic manner, the many challenges confronting our pastoral communities.

OUR APPROACH PACSET FOUNDATION: has a clear focus on development. All our work is aimed at handling issues of food security; Early warning systems, Community managed disaster risk reduction, soil management, food conservation and education mostly in the areas of Baringo, West-Pokot, Samburu, Turkana, Laikipia and parts of North Eastern Kenya. We believe in the power of purposeful development to change lives for the better and to create a more sustainable and equitable society.

OUR VALUES: WE BELIEVES IN; WORKING WITH PURPOSE We are committed to using our skills and talents to ensure socio-economic development within the Pastoralists areas are achieved.

INTEGRITY: We are accountable to all our stakeholders and offers transparency.

DIVERSITY: Being a voice of different communities, we embrace differences.

EXCELLENCE: We challenge ourselves to the highest level of learning and performance.

EQUALITY: We believe in the equal value of everyone encouraging respect and honor to all.

INTEGRITY: We uphold the highest standards of professionalism and effectiveness

ETHICS: We work in a way that is always principled, just and honorable.