Self-Help Groups

We encourage women and youths to engage in agriculture through Self-help group providing them with access to finances. We mentor and train them on good agricultural practices, farming calendars, exposure tours and how to market their produce, and later link them with the Ministry of Agriculture for support to boost the quality of their farm productivity and to expand their farming activities.

Food Security & Economic Development

Governments and all stakeholders need to build a coalition of support for pastoralists to tap their potential for economic development. Private and governmental underinvestment in pastoralist communities have contributed to the extreme levels of food insecurity.

Animal Improvement

Democracy & Animal Improvement (Health and yield maximization) – Diseases that affect cattle, sheep, goats and camels are endemic in the regions of Baringo, West-Pokot, Samburu, Turkana, Laikipia and parts of North Eastern Kenya and are a key constraint to livestock production. This disease challenge is compounded by the region’s poor road and telecommunications infrastructure, which in the past hampered the timely detection and reporting of livestock diseases.


At PACSET, we believe
in creating a brighter future.

Spread joy, create smiles

Making someone smile is the most beautiful thing in this world

In a world filled with challenges, there’s one simple act that brings instant beauty – a smile. It’s a universal language, a spark of joy that connects us all. Seeing someone smile, whether a stranger or a loved one, fills our hearts with warmth and reminds us of the good in the world. It’s a ripple effect, spreading positivity and lifting spirits. So next time you have the chance, be the reason someone smiles. A kind word, a helping hand, or even just a silly joke can make a difference. Remember, the most beautiful things in life often come in the smallest gestures, and a smile is one of the most powerful gifts we can share.

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